Curated Road TripsCurated Road Trips

    Day Itinerary

    21 Activities
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    Day 6

    122 mi4 mi

    Rare and Unique Sites Between Matera and Alberobello

    Today's route will bring you in contact with incredible wonders of southern Italy, appreciated all over the world and declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites. You’ll drive between Basilicata and Puglia, visiting the world-famous Matera, as well as losing yourself among rock churches and ancient landscapes. You'll move on to Altamura to taste one of the best breads in Italy and will end your day sleeping in a trullo, the typical Alberobello stone houses that can only be found in this area. There’ll also be plenty of opportunities to sample the distinct flavours and km0 raw materials of these regions.
    24.8 mi
    1 hr
    09:0015 min


    Open Details
    Start your day with a quick glance at the fascinating yet inaccessible ghost town of Craco.
    The city of Craco is an uninhabited town completely shrouded in silence, aridity, and immense badlands that rise up around it, almost as if to protect it.
    Till not so long ago it was possible to visit the town with a guided tour, booked through the town's Pro Loco; as of today, all visits have been suspended for safety reasons, but you can consult the website for further information and to check out any updates.
    In any case, the atmosphere in Craco is very special and, even from the outside, this ghost town remains a unique place.
    31.1 mi
    1 hr
    Azienda Agricola F.lli Dragone
    10:155 min

    Azienda Agricola F.lli Dragone

    Open Details
    Park your car at the F.lli Dragone Farm to pick up your ticket and begin your visit to a mysterious and fascinating place: the Crypt of Original Sin.
    0.5 mi
    10 min
    Crypt of Original Sin
    10:301 hr

    Crypt of Original Sin

    Open Details
    The Crypt of Original Sin is a real archaeological gem you cannot miss.
    An ancient Benedictine monastery dating back to the Longobard period, this crypt hides frescoes dating back to between the 8th and 9th centuries AD, which fully describe the characteristics of Benevento Benedictine art.
    Going down the steps of the crypt to observe them will be like opening a treasure chest and being dazzled by the brightness.
    Visits take place from Tuesday to Sunday (closed on Mondays, except on public holidays) in the following shifts: from November to February from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; from October to March at the previous times and additionally at 5:00 p.m.; from April to September there’s also a 6:30 p.m. shift. It’s always recommended that you arrive at the ticket office half an hour before the start of the visit.
    To visit the crypt, it’s absolutely necessary to book online, well in advance, via the official website or by calling the following number +393203345323.
    8.8 mi
    25 min
    Trattoria del Caveoso
    12:301 hr

    Trattoria del Caveoso

    Open Details
    Before exploring Matera, stop for lunch at the Trattoria del Caveoso, which stands inside the UNESCO World Heritage it was named after, Sasso Caveoso, and welcomes you in a setting carved entirely out of stone.
    This trattoria offers you traditional Lucanian dishes accompanied by delicious local wine, accentuating the tastiness of their flavours. Definitely try their classic first courses, such as "fave e cicoria" (broad beans and chicory) or the "crapriata" (typical Matera legume soup), which encapsulate all the character of Basilicata cuisine.
    The restaurant is open every day (except Wednesday) with the following opening hours: 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
    Given the high demand for this restaurant, reservations are recommended; consult the website to book your table.
    0.2 mi
    5 min
    Chiesa di Santa Lucia alle Malve
    13:4015 min

    Chiesa di Santa Lucia alle Malve

    Open Details
    One of Matera’s most striking attractions is certainly the many cave churches it houses: start your journey to discover the soul of the city from one of the most surprising and best-preserved, the Church of Santa Lucia alle Malve.
    This cave church dates back to the 8th century AD, and it was the first female monastic settlement of the Benedictine order. Inside, there are almost perfectly preserved thousand-year-old frescoes in bright colours.
    The exterior of the church is equally stunning, as it stands on a small rise from which you have a magnificent view of the Sasso Caveoso: here the magnificence of Matera, carved entirely out of rock, will jump out at your eyes more than ever.
    The church is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; for more historical information about this place check the dedicated website.
    0.2 mi
    5 min
    Church of Saint Mary of Idris
    14:0015 min

    Church of Saint Mary of Idris

    Open Details
    The Church of Santa Maria di Idris will amaze you with its unique location, as it stands on a rocky outcrop that provides an incredible panoramic view of Matera.
    Inside the church is a small cave dedicated to St Giovanni in Monterrone, completely hewn out of stone and embellished with remarkably beautiful religious frescoes.
    The church can be visited every day with the following opening hours: 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
    For more information on the history of the church, please consult the website.
    0.1 mi
    5 min
    Casa Grotta nei Sassi di Matera
    14:2015 min

    Casa Grotta nei Sassi di Matera

    Open Details
    After visiting the cave churches, visit the Casa Grotta in the ancient Rioni Sassi, to understand how the inhabitants of Matera lived in these unusual and poor dwellings before they were abandoned.
    The house will provide you with a very evocative experience that will give you a better understanding of the culture of the people of Matera, who once used these caves to live and to work.
    The Cave House of Vico Solitario is open every day from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
    For more information visit the website.
    0.6 mi
    15 min
    Palombaro lungo
    14:5030 min

    Palombaro lungo

    Open Details
    Continue your tour of Matera towards Sasso Barisano and, in particular, reach the enchanting Piazza Vittorio Veneto, which you should admire before visiting the world-famous Palombaro Lungo.
    The Palombaro Lungo is a true work of human ingenuity. It’s an underground cistern dug into the rock and capable of storing large quantities of rainwater.
    The interior offers spectacles of light reflecting over the water and on the rock walls, which are covered with "cocciopesto", a special plaster that allows the rock to remain waterproof.
    Fun fact: this cistern can hold up to 5 million gallons of water.
    The Palombaro Lungo can be visited every day from 1 July to 31 October with the following opening hours: 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
    For more information see the website.
    3.6 mi
    15 min
    Centro Visite Jazzo Gattini
    15:455 min

    Centro Visite Jazzo Gattini

    Open Details
    Leave the historical centre of Matera to explore the Murgia Materana Park.
    Park your car at the Jazzo Gattini Visitor Centre, just a few steps away from one of the most incredible views in the world.
    0.5 mi
    10 min
    Chiesa Rupestre di San Nicola alla Murgia dell'Amendola
    16:0030 min

    Chiesa Rupestre di San Nicola alla Murgia dell'Amendola

    Open Details
    On your way to the Rupestrian Church of San Nicola, take some time to explore the Murgia Materana, a location rich in history, offering breathtaking views. It’s no coincidence that scenes from famous films such as Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" and "Wonder Woman" were filmed here.
    The Murgia Materana park is an open-air archaeological area. Every step you take inside this spot will remain impressed in your mind, as will the panoramic view of the entire city of Matera that you have from this external point.
    Continue your walk to the Church of San Nicola, a place carved in rock and time that will thrill you with its simple complexity.
    0.5 mi
    15 min
    Centro Visite Jazzo Gattini
    16:455 min

    Centro Visite Jazzo Gattini

    Open Details
    Get back in the car to continue your road trip.
    14.1 mi
    25 min
    Parking Lot
    17:155 min

    Parking Lot

    Open Details
    Park your car here to stroll towards Altamura's historic centre.
    0.4 mi
    10 min
    Claustro Giudecca
    17:305 min

    Claustro Giudecca

    Open Details
    Discover one of the landmarks of the city of Altamura: the Claustro Giudecca.
    The "claustri" are original architectural elements and represent the cohesion of various ethnic groups (Greeks, Latins, Jews, and Arabs), called together by Frederick II of Sweden in 1232 in order to repopulate the city. In these small, characteristic alleys, different architectural styles blend together to create something incomparable and extraordinary.
    The Claustro Giudecca is one of the most unique, if not the most singular, as its plan seen from above is reminiscent of the Jewish candelabra with three arms (represented by the three Czech alleys branching off from the central square).
    Take a few moments to walk through this absolutely remarkable place and breathe in the historical air it exudes.
    0.3 mi
    10 min
    Antico Forno Santa Chiara
    17:4510 min

    Antico Forno Santa Chiara

    Open Details
    Stop by the Santa Chiara bakery for a tasty experience: buy the world-famous Altamura bread, made in an oven that dates back to the first half of the 18th century, and still made according to the ancient tradition.
    As you bite into the bread produced by this bakery, you’ll be captivated by the flavours of Puglia as a whole and, tasting it, you’ll discover why Altamura bread is so famous.
    Fun fact: Altamura bread has rural roots; in fact, the mixture of local ingredients of remilled semolina, water, and mother yeast was initially chosen to give the bread durability and allow farmers who were away from home for several weeks to always have something delicious but simple to eat.
    The bakery is open Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
    0.1 mi
    5 min
    Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption
    18:0015 min

    Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption

    Open Details
    On the way back to the car, stop to admire Altamura Cathedral, which rises imposingly over the city's historic centre.
    The cathedral, dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, was built together with the city in 1232 at the behest of Frederick II. It presents a mixture of styles, from Gothic to Norman architectural influences, creating an architectural blend that will leave you speechless.
    The cathedral can be visited inside every day from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    0.5 mi
    10 min
    Parking Lot
    18:305 min

    Parking Lot

    Open Details
    Go back to the car to continue your road trip to the last destination of the day.
    39.8 mi
    1 hr 20 min
    Parking "Nel Verde"
    20:005 min

    Parking "Nel Verde"

    Open Details
    Park your car here on the entrance to Alberobello to immerse yourself in the fabulous and unique world of the trulli.
    0.5 mi
    10 min
    Trattoria "Terra Madre"
    20:151 hr

    Trattoria "Terra Madre"

    Open Details
    Before exploring all Alberobello’s secrets and its original trulli, dine at Trattoria Terra Madre, where the watchword is simplicity in the pursuit of authenticity.
    Here you can immerse yourself in a characteristic culinary experience marked by the changing of the seasons and the products that Mother Earth gives us throughout the year. All the food products you’ll find in this trattoria are carefully selected and grown with love in the name of freshness and tasty yet healthy cuisine.
    Don't miss the classic “orecchiette”, prepared in the traditional way and enriched with seasonal vegetables, which will leave the taste of Puglia in your mouth!
    The restaurant is open Thursday to Monday from 12:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
    For more information see the website.
    0.1 mi
    5 min
    Trullo Sovrano
    21:2010 min

    Trullo Sovrano

    Open Details
    Your dinner over, as you make your way back to your hotel, let yourself be enchanted by Alberobello’s limestone houses, which have been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to their uniqueness.
    A few steps from the restaurant where you had dinner, you can find the Sovereign Trullo, the largest trullo in all of Alberobello and the only one with an upper floor.
    The Sovereign Trullo represents the change in trulli architecture as, compared to all the others you can find, it begins to show hints of modernism and this makes it more similar to today's houses, creating a unique dwelling.
    Fun fact: the person who built this trullo remains unknown to this day!
    0.5 mi
    10 min
    Alberobello - Rione Monti
    21:4010 min

    Alberobello - Rione Monti

    Open Details
    Continue your exploration among the trulli of Alberobello, scattered among the Rione Monti, the most touristy part of Alberobello, as you make your way to your hotel.
    Here you'll catch a glimpse of many types of these rural stone-built dry-stone houses, once born as temporary shelters and now kept alive to amaze you with their uniqueness.
    Have fun observing the Christian and pagan symbols that are drawn on the roofs of these beautiful houses, which served to protect the inhabitants and their crops.
    0.2 mi
    5 min
    Tipico Resort in Trulli
    22:0011 hrs

    Tipico Resort in Trulli

    Open Details
    Tonight, you’ll have the chance to rest in one of the trulli that the popular hotel Tipico Resort has converted to a hotel room, equipped with all the comforts you may need.
    Tipico Resort's trulli are located in the Aja Piccola district, which is the least touristy part of Alberobello and, for this reason, the one that retains the most authentic character and is able to transport you back in time.
    Here you can sleep in a dwelling designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which will make your stay in Alberobello even more incredible!
    The next morning, enjoy the continental breakfast that the hotel provides for its guests in a bar in the centre of the town square, just a few steps from your trullo.
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    Day 5Day 7
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    Curated Road Trips

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