Curated Road TripsCurated Road Trips
    17 Activities

    On a visit to Old Thomas(Tallinn)

    On a visit to Old Thomas(Tallinn)
    Starts from



    By Car




    3 days


    5 mi

    Guide details

    Starts from



    By Car


    3 days


    5 mi

    Map preview

    Polina Arafelyants

    When you come to the old part of the city of Tallinn in the Republic of Estonia, your acquaintance should not pass by the main guardian of the capital, perched on the spire of the Tallinn City Hall. Old Thomas, a poor boy and later the guardian of the city, has been guarding Tallinn from enemies for more than 400 hundred years and welcomes tourists to his home
    Translated by
    When you come to the old part of the city of Tallinn in the Republic of Estonia, your acquaintance should not pass by the main guardian of the capital, perched on the spire of the Tallinn City Hall. Old Thomas, a poor boy and later the guardian of the city, has been guarding Tallinn from enemies for more than 400 hundred years and welcomes tourists to his home
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    Travel itinerary

    3 Activities

    Day 1

    0.3 mi

    12 Activities

    Day 2

    3 mi

    2 Activities

    Day 3

    2 mi

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    Curated Road Trips

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